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CLICK HERE for the New Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Wellness Training Courses (New Requirements adopted by NV State Child Care Licensing Regulations) NOTE: The Basic Wellness Training Course must be taken before an Intermediate or Advanced Course
NV CKA5.1A Basic Level Well Training: Physical Activities, Nutrition, Obesity Prevention New!
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: X Beginning ☐ Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: Basic Level Wellness Training must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness training.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This is a Basic level Wellness training aligned with the Nevada Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Workgroup guidelines effective February 1, 2025, and fully satisfies the annual Lifelong Wellness training requirement of Child Care Licensing.
Course Description: Engage in wellness training that follows current guidelines, with developmentally appropriate practices for specific age groups. Training content consist of physical activities, nutrition, and obesity prevention in young children.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.1B Intermediate Level Well Training: Physical Activities, Nutrition & Menu Planning NOTE: The Basic Level Wellness class must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness Training
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐ Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: No Charge
Prerequisite/s: The Basic Level Wellness Training must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness training.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This is an Intermediate level Wellness training aligned with the Nevada Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Workgroup guidelines effective February 1, 2025, and fully satisfies the annual Lifelong Wellness training requirement of Child Care Licensing.
Course Description: Participants will be encouraged to integrate the information into their daily practices by being provided with practical applications and real-world examples on physical activities, nutrition and creating a meal plan. Additionally, offering self-assessment, making it easy for them to understand and apply the knowledge.
Support Services: After successful completion of the Basic Wellness training course please email us at [email protected] and the Intermediate Wellness training will be added to your account within 24 hours.
NV CKA5.1C Advanced Level Wellness Training: Obesity Prevention, Contributing Factors, Communication with Parents Course NOTE: The Basic Level Wellness class must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness Training
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐ Beginning ☐ Intermediate X Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: No Charge
Prerequisite/s: Basic Level Wellness Training must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness training.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This is an Advanced level Wellness training aligned with the Nevada Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Workgroup guidelines effective February 1, 2025, and fully satisfies the annual Lifelong Wellness training requirement of Child Care Licensing.
Course Description: Engage in an advance level of obesity prevention, identify contributing factors and learn how to communicate overweight and obese children with parents. Define how your center can influence what children eat and drink and how active they are, can build a foundation for healthy habits.
Support Services: After successful completion of the Basic Wellness training course please email us at [email protected] and the Advanced Wellness training will be added to your account within 24 hours.
NV CKA 1.A Early Childhood Language Development: Phonological Awareness (SPANISH)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Aprenda los fundamentos de los hitos del habla y el lenguaje y las actividades de concienciación fonológica para ayudar a desarrollar el desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes. Aumente su conocimiento sobre la implementación de estrategias efectivas para enseñar a los estudiantes que están limitados en su dominio del idioma (L.E.P). Maximice su conocimiento sobre la narración y la planificación del plan de estudios, la lectura con un propósito, la preparación para la lectura, los métodos y modelos de lectura apropiados para los niños en edad preescolar.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.F The Importance of Play (SPANISH)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Reconocer los diversos tipos de juego, los beneficios del juego entre los niños y organizar un entorno de cuidado infantil temprano para maximizar el juego. EL JUEGO ES IMPORTANTE para el desarrollo de los niños y para que los niños se unan. Ofrece oportunidades para conectarse con un niño. El juego ayuda a un niño a aprender las reglas y lo que se espera de él o ella. A medida que los niños crecen, el juego les ayuda a aprender a actuar en la sociedad.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.I El bebé más feliz del centro (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Aprenda los conceptos fundamentales para mantener feliz a un bebé. Utilice las “5 S’ swaddling, side/stomach, shushing, swinging, and sucking” para calmar a un bebé e identificar comportamientos para mantener a un bebé feliz mientras está bajo su cuidado.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.G Edades y Etapas de Desarrollo (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Comprender lo que está sucediendo en el cerebro y el cuerpo de un niño durante cada período de desarrollo. Proporcionar el apoyo, el aliento, la estructura y las intervenciones necesarias para permitir que un niño progrese a través de cada etapa de desarrollo de la manera más fácil y exitosa posible en función del conjunto único de rasgos e intereses de cada niño.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.A DEPLOYMENT: Coping Strategies for Children (SPANISH)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Identificar las etapas previas al despliegue, el despliegue y posterior al despliegue para ayudar a reconstruir la seguridad en los niños. Identifique los signos comunes de estrés emocional en los niños, enseñe a los niños habilidades para fomentar la autoexpresión y anime a los niños a identificar sus sentimientos. Aprende sobre los cuatro sentimientos básicos y consejos para enseñar a los niños en edad preescolar cómo lidiar con la ira y ayudar a los niños a lidiar con el estrés.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.G Manejo de la ira - ¡Estoy tan ENOJADO! (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: ¿Qué es la ira? ¿Cómo lidias con tu ira? Aprende las técnicas fundamentales para lidiar con la ira en el aula. Descubre que la ira es un estado emocional temporal y que la agresión es a menudo un impulso para lastimar a alguien o destruir la propiedad. El objetivo no es reprimir o destruir los sentimientos de enojo en los niños, o en nosotros mismos, sino más bien aceptar los sentimientos y ayudar a canalizarlos y dirigirlos hacia fines constructivos. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.J Guidance versus Discipline in Child Care (SPANISH)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Los niños no nacen con disciplina. Explore las etapas de desarrollo de los niños a medida que crecen, se desarrollan y aprenden el autocontrol. Distinguir la diferencia entre orientación y disciplina desde el aula hasta la vida hogareña y generar ambientes positivos. Aprenda las intervenciones y adaptaciones sugeridas para usar en la educación inclusiva para todos los estudiantes.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.1 Geometry: It's all about the Shapes!
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Participe en línea y aprenda a involucrar a los estudiantes en cómo identificar formas geométricas (2D y 3D), analizar objetos en su entorno y nombrar las formas geométricas. Promover las habilidades de pensamiento creativo involucrando a los estudiantes en el diseño de dibujos arquitectónicos utilizando dimensiones geométricas; punto, línea, plano y sólido. Proporcionar un entorno de aprendizaje temprano dirigido por niños participando en el proceso de innovación arquitectónica a través de actividades de construcción y construcción apropiadas para la edad.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.2 Engineering: Problem Solving (SPANISH)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: ¡Enseña a los estudiantes el diseño del proceso de ingeniería! ¡Enséñales a hacer una lluvia de ideas y diseñar, construir y analizar, a medida que modifican y comparten su producto!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock HourS/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Involucre a los niños en la exploración científica activa del sistema esquelético investigando cómo la caja torácica protege nuestros órganos vitales. Apoye el pensamiento científico y la investigación investigando, prediciendo y explorando cómo funcionan nuestro corazón, pulmones e intestinos. Enseñe a los niños a hacer preguntas, escribir o dibujar en un diario, e informar predicciones para formar una hipótesis.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: ¡Identifica cómo funciona una electricidad experimentando con circuitos básicos y diseña un tablero de juego de circuitos para que tus estudiantes experimenten! Los estudiantes aprenderán a cuestionar por qué suceden las cosas y querrán compartir sus observaciones sobre la ciencia. ¡Promover el uso de métodos científicos cuando los estudiantes están examinando, descubriendo y explorando nuevos objetos y materiales!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.B1 Reconocimiento e información de abuso y negligencia infantil (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
Course Description: Reconocer los cuatro tipos de abuso; abuso emocional, abuso sexual, negligencia infantil y abuso físico. Aprenda a reconocer signos y síntomas de abuso, indicadores de abuso infantil, responder e informar una divulgación.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.C1 Síndrome De Muerte Súbita Infantil (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: FREE
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for SIDS (applicable to those working in facilities caring for infants 12 months and under).
Course Description: El objetivo es crear un entorno más seguro para los niños ayudar a el síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL). Aprender a reducir el riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL) en cuidado de niños mediante la creación de entornos más seguras de dormir para bebés. Cuidadores se define SID, identificar prácticas de sueño seguro, formas de reducir los riesgos del SIDS en entornos de atención de niños y recursos relacionados con el SIDS identificar del estado. Conocer tiempo de barriga, manejo un SIDS emergencia médica - recursos relacionados, corra la voz - de maneras que usted puede compartir información sobre SID con los padres y otros cuidadores.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $0.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.D1 Preparación de emergencia y planificación de respuesta de un evento natural o artificial Course (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Emergency Preparedness.
Course Description: Conozca las pautas recomendadas para el cuidado de niños para la preparación de emergencias y la planificación de respuesta ante desastres naturales o eventos creados por el hombre. Todos los procedimientos operativos de emergencia (EOP) de la escuela deben incluir cursos de acción que describan cómo los estudiantes y el personal pueden responder de manera más efectiva a situaciones de emergencia para minimizar la pérdida de vidas. Defina la mitigación en relación con el manejo de emergencias y enséñele a los niños a ser resilientes durante situaciones de emergencia. Desarrolle una lista de verificación de preparación para emergencias, prepare un kit de emergencia e identifique un área de respuesta y recuperación para todos los niños.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.E1 Construcción y seguridad de las instalaciones físicas, incluido el almacenamiento de biocontaminantes y materiales peligrosos Course (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Building and Physical Premises Safety.
Course Description: Esté preparado para implementar estándares de seguridad, pautas y prácticas relacionadas con la construcción y la seguridad de las instalaciones físicas en el entorno de cuidado infantil temprano. La información incluye la salud ambiental, factores ambientales potencialmente peligrosos, incluyendo plantas, insectos y humos tóxicos, y procedimientos seguros y apropiados para garantizar juguetes apropiados para la edad de los niños de diferentes grupos de edad y niveles de desarrollo. También se discute el almacenamiento de biocontaminantes y materiales peligrosos. Nota: Siempre siga las regulaciones de licencia para su estado, ya que pueden variar de un estado a otro.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.H Seguridad en el transporte en el entorno de cuidado infantil (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Transportation Safety.
Course Description: El transporte de niños en el cuidado de niños es una actividad de alto riesgo. Se deben tomar medidas de planificación, proactivas y de protección cuidadosas para los operadores de cuidado infantil, el personal y los padres cuando transportena los niños en viajes de campo. Aprender prácticas seguras al transportar a los niños y adherirse a todas las Directrices de la Junta Nacional de Transporte. Una planificación cuidadosa reduce el riesgo de lesiones a los niños y reduce la responsabilidad de los operadores de cuidado infantil y sus programas.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $0.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.J Astronomía: ¡Centellea, centellea, pequeña estrella! (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work with infants, twos and toddlers and teach STEM.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Participar y promover la comprensión conceptual y la curiosidad de los estudiantes a medida que descubren, predicen e integran experiencias de astronomía. Descubra por qué el cielo es azul, cómo se hace un arco iris, identifique las tres fases lunares y descubra qué tan lejos está la luna mediante la incorporación de actividades prácticas apropiadas para la edad y habilidades matemáticas.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.19 Imanes: Fuerzas y Movimiento (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work with infants, twos and toddlers and teach STEM.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: ¡Enseñe a los estudiantes cómo identificar los polos norte y sur y los campos magnéticos mientras experimentan con fuerzas y movimiento usando imanes! ¡Involucra a los estudiantes en la fabricación de botellas de descubrimiento magnético, laberinto de autos de carreras magnéticos y juegos magnéticos de I Spy!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help.
$5.00Add to cart
NV CKA6.B Parent Involvement: Positive Communication (SPANISH)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn about best practices to incorporate positive communication with all parents. Recognize the benefits of parent involvement, identify parent dynamics and learn how to support each and every parent, and develop a parent involvement plan. Establish a parenting plan with evidence of involvement, parent activities, resources, and timeline.
NV CKA7.A Preparación escolar: La transición al jardín de infantes (ESPAÑOL)
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: Spanish
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Planifica la exploración científica apropiada para la edad en respuesta a los intereses emergentes de los niños, alienta a los niños a observar y describir lo que experimentan usando todos sus sentidos, revisa las actividades científicas con los niños para que puedan reflexionar y aprovechar el aprendizaje previo para desarrollar y refinar las habilidades de pensamiento, y Utiliza la evaluación continua de los niños para adaptar las actividades para apoyar el pensamiento científico.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.L Unit 1: The Growing Brain - The Basics Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Learn about the parts of an infants brain and their functions. Explore how you can support healthy brain development by setting realistic expectations based on brain development, be aware that the experiences you provide are building brain architecture, and provide positive relationships and supportive enriching environments.
NV CKA1.M Unit 2: The Growing Brain - The Factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Learn about how the brain is most plastic during early childhood, how the body's stress system is adaptive but needs an adult caregiver or may suffer damage, and how adult caregivers have a vital role to play in helping children regulate stress and build resilience. You will learn that factors affect brain growth and development and about the 5 R's (Relationships, Responsive Interactions, Respect, Routines, Repetition) for supporting healthy brain development.
NV CKA1.N Unit 3: The Growing Brain - Communication and Language Development Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Learn how adults play a critical role in early communication through back-and-forth interaction, how communication begins with observation and how children build on language to develop more complex communication, including dual and multi language learning.
NV CKA1.O Unit 4: The Growing Brain - Cognitive and Executive Function Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Children learn best when caregivers follow their lead and use everyday experiences to teach important concepts. Explore how helping children you serve see themselves as good learners builds their confidence, making it more likely that they will persevere through the challenges they encounter.
$15.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.P Unit 5: The Growing Brain - Social- Emotional Development Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Learn how the developing brain is affected by children’s experiences and interactions with the important people in their lives. Explore how adults play a crucial role in supporting young children’s social-emotional development and how early brain connections are experience dependent and last a lifetime.
NV CKA1.Q Unit 6: The Growing Brain - Understanding Behavior Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Explore how various areas of the brain are involved in young children’s behavior communicating through networks shaped by children’s experiences. As caregivers it is important to observe and try to understand the meaning of behaviors and respond in a sensitive, supportive, and nurturing fashion.
NV CKA1.R Unit 7: The Growing Brain - Everyday Play Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Play builds children’s capabilities in all areas of development. Children benefit from free play, with no adult scaffolding and guided play. The adults goal is to support the child’s testing of ideas and coming up with their own solutions.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA1: Human Growth & Development
NV CKA1.A Early Childhood Language Development: Phonological Awareness Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn the fundamentals of speech and language milestones and phonological awareness activities to help build students’ language development. Increase your knowledge on implementing effective strategies for teaching students who are limited in their language proficiency (L.E.P). Maximize your knowledge on storytelling and curriculum planning, reading with a purpose, reading readiness, reading methods and models appropriate for preschool children.
NV CKA1.B Child Development: Infant, Toddler, Preschool Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Early childhood development is the foundation for community development and economic development. Learn the foundational aspects of growth and brain development that takes place during the first years of life, Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, and social-emotional milestones.
NV CKA1.C Understanding Every Child's Potential through Multiple Intelligence Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed.D.
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Stimulate every child’s potential through exploration of eight types of multiple intelligences. Apply activities in the classroom to accommodate all students learning styles, assess and evaluate students areas of intelligence, seek methods to strengthen each area, and design activities to accommodate all students varied learning styles. Reinforce students learning through an inclusive classroom and provide activities that teach through multiple intelligences. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.D Sign Language and Child Care Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Discover signing to bridge the gap between young children who cannot speak, stimulating psychological and emotional growth and development. Recognize the benefits of sign language and how to teach it to children, implement sign language skills between adult care providers, and organize an early childcare facility environment to maximize the use of sign language. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA1.E Child Care Centers and the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Acces
Course Description: Know your Rights! The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law. Explore the ADA Act that states people with disabilities are entitled to equal rights in employment, state and local public services, and public accommodations such as preschools, child care centers, and family child care homes.
NV CKA1.F The Importance of Play in Child Care Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Recognize the various types of play, benefits of play among children, and organize an early childcare facility environment to maximize play. PLAY IS IMPORTANT for children’s development and for children to bond. It offers opportunities to connect with a child. Play helps a child learn rules and what is expected of him or her. As children grow, play helps them learn how to act in society.
NV CKA1.G Ages and Stages of Development Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Understand what is taking place in a child’s brain and body during each period of development. Provide the necessary support, encouragement, structure, and interventions to enable a child to progress through each stage of development as easily and successfully as possible based on each child’s unique set of traits and interests.
NV CKA1.H Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement. $15.00Add to cart
Course Description: Establish a foundation of effective decision-making based a child’s development, taking into consideration individual learning differences and social and cultural influences. Explore developmental stages of children birth to 6 years old, implement skills using different learning styles, and organize your center according to the developmental stages of children in your care.
NV CKA1.I The Happiest Baby in the Center Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn the fundamental concepts of keeping a baby happy. Use the 5 S’; swaddling, side/stomach, shushing, swinging, and sucking to calm a baby and identify behaviors to keeping a baby happy while in your care.
NV CKA1.K All About Kids Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement. $15.00Add to cart
Course Description: Explore how a child’s brain architecture is built over a succession of “sensitive periods,” each of which is associated with the formation of specific circuits that are associated with specific abilities. The development of increasingly complex skills and their underlying circuits builds on the circuits and skills that were formed earlier. Through this process, early experiences create a foundation for lifelong learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 2: Positive Interaction & Guidance
NV CKA2.A Deployment: Coping Strategies for Children Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Identify pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment stages to help rebuild security in children. Identify the common signs of emotional stress in children, teach children skills to foster self-expression, and encourage children to identify their feelings. Learn about the four basic feelings and tips for teaching preschool children how to deal with anger and help children cope with stress.
NV CKA2.B What do you do with a Bully? Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Bullying is one of the most concerning social interactions facing children and schools today. While the media picks up stories of bullying in high school, researchers have shown that bullying behaviors are learned much earlier in life. Learn to identify the signs of bullying, as well as the short and long-term effects these behaviors can have on bullies and their victims. Explore strategies for guiding young children through socially challenging scenarios to create a "bully-free" classroom. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.C Preventing Burnout in Child Care Providers Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: This training is designed to provide childcare providers with an understanding of what "Burnout" is. Strategies for dealing with stressors and burnout are addressed and how to prevent burnout and possible treatments. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, adults may begin to lose interest or motivation that first led them to take on a certain role in the first place. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.D Cultural Diversity in Child Care Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Support all children in their development and awareness of cultural differences. Understand the skills and empathy educators need to help children achieve a positive sense of themselves and of others. Protect and value all children in the classroom, foster empathy, and provide accurate information about differences to enable children to think critically about the challenge bias. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.E What to do with Challenging Behavior Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Learn the functions of children's behavior, ways to build positive relationships, how to design a supportive environment, and teaching strategies designed to decrease challenging behavior.
NV CKA2.F Classroom Transitions Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn the 3 main types of transitions: 1) Transitions between activities within a given setting, 2) Transitions between multiple settings on the same day, and 3) Transitions between programs. Learn numerous strategies that support smooth transitions between activities and implement strategies that provide verbal and nonverbal cues before transitions and minimize the number of transitions.
NV CKA2.G Anger Management - I Am So MAD! Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: What is ANGER? How do you deal with your anger? Learn the fundamental techniques to deal with anger in the classroom. Discover that anger is a temporary emotional state and aggression is often a prompt to hurt someone or destroy property. The goal is not to repress or destroy angry feelings in children–or in ourselves–but rather to accept the feelings and to help channel and direct them to constructive ends. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA2.H Conflict Resolution Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Implement effective ways to help children resolve conflicts in the classroom through a variety of strategies. Children’s conflicts over toys, space, and friendships create many challenges for teachers and parents. Transform the childhood facility environment and establish clear communication between adult care providers and children in your care to minimize conflict.
NV CKA2.I Children and Domestic Violence Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Recognize what domestic violence is and how it affects children by implementing clear communication skills between adult care providers and children. Organize an early childcare facility environment to minimize issues with children and domestic violence.
NV CKA2.J Guidance versus Discipline in Child Care Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the Child Development/Guidance & Discipline training requirement.
Course Description: Children are not born with discipline. Explore children's’ developmental stages as they grow, develop, and learn self-control. Distinguish the difference between guidance and discipline from the classroom to home life and generate positive environments. Learn suggested interventions and adaptations to use in inclusive education for all students.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 3: Observation & Assessment
NV CKA3.A Observation Plan: What to do with Assessments Results Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $15.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Reinforce guiding principles that serve as a framework for assessing and evaluating instructional learning. Assess direct and indirect observations, identify four general categories of data used to provide information for instructional decisions, and report feedback to teachers using assessment results. Establish a successful adaptive inclusive classroom by using a variety of strategies in assessing students’ learning.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 4: Environment & Curriculum
NV CKA4.A Supervision of Curriculum and Instruction Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: The curriculum is a roadmap for learning with a focus on knowledge and skills. Learn the historical foundations of curriculum and instruction that provide an understanding of what supervisors observe during classroom evaluations. Recognize that problems are visible in groups and understand that differences exist between home and school. Examine teacher evaluation methods to enhance the professional effectiveness of teaching staff and assess student progress to ensure teachers are utilizing information from a variety of appropriate sources.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.B Child-Friendly, Family Friendly and Eco-Friendly Classrooms Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn the elements to a family-child friendly school and create a child-friendly classroom and “green” your classroom. The ability of a school to be and to call itself child-friendly is directly linked to the support, participation, and collaboration it receives from families. Child-friendly schools aim to develop a learning environment in which children are motivated and able to learn.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.C Enhancing your Learning Community Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn the value of supporting families, creating curriculum, healthy environments, communication, and inclusion. Allowing adequate time and opportunities for the development of respectful and trusting relationships between children, families and childcare providers and the staff is one of the most crucial factors to successfully settling children into childcare.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.D The Skeletal System: What's Inside of You! Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Engage children in active scientific exploration of the skeletal system by investigating how the rib cage protects our vital organs. Support scientific thinking and inquire by investigating, predicting, and exploring how our heart, lungs, and intestines work. Teach children to ask questions, write or draw in a journal, and report predictions to form a hypothesis.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.E Preschool Coding & Robotics Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $15.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn how preschool coding and robotics activities enhance programming and engineering skills for children at an early age. When children are given age appropriate tools to incorporate in their daily learning activities, they become more engaged in open-ended play, expressive arts, cultural diverse activities, integration of technology skills, and math and language skills. Children will learn how to problem solve, explore cause and effect, and use sequencing skills to create robots through age appropriate coding and robotic activities.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $15.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.F Prehistoric Age: Dinosaurs Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Learn about the prehistoric age; Triassic Period, Jurassic Period, and Cretaceous Period, the different types of fossils; Petrified fossils, Mold fossils, Cast fossils, Carbon films, Preserved remains, Trace fossils, and the continents where fossils were found! Teach students about the prehistoric days through scientific thinking, predictions, experiments, math, language, fine motor and sensory skills!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.H Electricity & Circuits: The Current Runs through it! Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Identify how an electricity works by experimenting with basic circuits and design a circuit game board for your students to experiment with! Students will learn to question why things happen, and want to share their observations about science. Promote using scientific methods when students are examining, discovering and exploring new objects and materials!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.J Astronomy: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star! Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Participate and promote students conceptual understanding and curiosity as they discover, predict, and integrate astronomy experiences. Discover why the sky is blue, how a rainbow is made, identify the three moon phases, and discover how far the moon is through incorporating age-appropriate hands-on activities and math skills.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.S Preschool Basics on Motion & Forces: Newton’s Law of Motion Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Identify Newtons Three Laws of Motion and engage in activities that include inertia and how force moves an object through distance! Motion is movement in any direction. You can move up, down, forwards, backwards, and sideways. You can move and provide students with “motion” activities in daily teaching practices!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $10.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.Y Everyday Play and STEM: Infants, Twos, & Toddlers Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Children are eager and determined to understand how the world works. Play is how children learn to communicate, problem solve, test ideas, and get along with others. Investigate how to nurture infants, twos, and toddlers' development through the power of play! Participants will learn about the foundations of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), how infants, twos and toddlers investigate the world through their five senses as they engage in activities as teachers provide embedded STEM strategies during daily teaching practices.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $5.00Add to cart
NV CKA4.1 Geometry: It's All About the Shapes! Course
Developmental Domain: $5.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $5.00
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Materials: Internet Access/Computer
Course Description: Participate online and learn how to engage students on how to Identify geometric shapes (2D & 3D), analyze objects in their environment, and name the geometric shapes. Promote creative thinking skills by engaging students in designing architecture drawing using Geometric Dimensions; Point, Line, Plane and Solid. Provide a child-led early learning environment by engaging in the process of architecture innovation through age-appropriate building and construction activities.
NV CKA4.2 Engineering: Problem Solving Course
Developmental Domain: $5.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $5.00
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Materials: Internet Access/Computer
Course Description: Teach students the engineering process design! Teach them to brainstorm and design, build and analyze, as they modify and share their product!
NV CKA4.4 Math & Science Activities Course
Developmental Domain: $5.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $5.00
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Materials: Internet Access/Computer
Course Description: Teach students the engineering process design! Teach them to brainstorm and design, build and analyze, as they modify and share their product!
NV CKA4.19 Magnets: Forces & Motion Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $5.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5.00
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work with infants, twos and toddlers and teach STEM.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Teach students how to identify north and south poles and magnetic fields while experimenting with forces and motion using magnets! Engage students in making magnetic discovery bottles, magnetic race car maze and magnetic I SPY games!
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help.
NV CKA4.21 Building Fine Motor Skills in Everyday Play! Course
Developmental Domain: $5.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $5.00
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Materials: Internet Access/Computer
Course Description: Engage students in fine motor activities to strengthen their developing fingers and muscles. Providing children with a variety of materials to interact with and manipulate, prepares them for science and engineering later in school. Students will gain hand-eye coordination, writing, language, math and engineering skills.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 5: Health, Nutrition & Safety
NV CKA5.1A Basic Level Well Training: Physical Activities, Nutrition, Obesity Prevention Course New!
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: X Beginning ☐ Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: Basic Level Wellness Training must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness training.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This is a Basic level Wellness training aligned with the Nevada Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Workgroup guidelines effective February 1, 2025, and fully satisfies the annual Lifelong Wellness training requirement of Child Care Licensing.
Course Description: Engage in wellness training that follows current guidelines, with developmentally appropriate practices for specific age groups. Training content consist of physical activities, nutrition, and obesity prevention in young children.
Support Services: Please contact us 24/7 at [email protected].
Questions? Need Help? Email or call us! We are happy to help. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.1B Intermediate Level Well Training: Physical Activities, Nutrition & Menu Planning Course New!
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐ Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: No charge
Prerequisite/s: Basic Level Wellness Training must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness training.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This is an Intermediate level Wellness training aligned with the Nevada Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Workgroup guidelines effective February 1, 2025, and fully satisfies the annual Lifelong Wellness training requirement of Child Care Licensing.
Course Description: Participants will be encouraged to integrate the information into their daily practices by being provided with practical applications and real-world examples on physical activities, nutrition and creating a meal plan. Additionally, offering self-assessment, making it easy for them to understand and apply the knowledge.
Support Services: After successful completion of the Basic Wellness training course please email us at [email protected] and the Intermediate Wellness training will be added to your account within 24 hours.
NV CKA5.1C Advanced Level Wellness Training: Obesity Prevention, Contributing Factors, Communication with Parents Course New!
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐ Beginning ☐ Intermediate X Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: No Charge
Prerequisite/s: Basic Level Wellness Training must be taken before taking an Intermediate or Advanced Wellness training.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This is an Advanced level Wellness training aligned with the Nevada Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Workgroup guidelines effective February 1, 2025, and fully satisfies the annual Lifelong Wellness training requirement of Child Care Licensing.
Course Description: Engage in an advance level of obesity prevention, identify contributing factors and learn how to communicate overweight and obese children with parents. Define how your center can influence what children eat and drink and how active they are, can build a foundation for healthy habits.
Support Services: After successful completion of the Basic Wellness training course please email us at [email protected] and the Advanced Wellness training will be added to your account within 24 hours.
NV CKA5.B Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
Course Description: This professional growth training provides professionals with information on how to recognize signs and symptoms of suspected abuse, understand child abuse definitions, identify indicators of child abuse, responding to, and reporting a disclosure. There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect on the child. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their caregivers are looking out for their safety. Abused children cannot predict how their caregivers will act. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Whether the abuse is a slap, a harsh comment, silence, or not knowing if there will be dinner on the table, a child who feels unsafe, uncared for, and alone is considered abused. Understand how to recognize signs and symptoms of abuse, indicators of child abuse, responding to, and reporting a disclosure.
NV CKA5.C Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $0.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: No Charge
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for SIDS (applicable to those working in facilities caring for infants 12 months and under).
Course Description: Protect children while in their care and create a safer environment for infants to help prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Learn to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in child care by creating safer sleep environments for babies. Caregivers will define SIDS, identify safe sleep practices, state ways to lower SIDS risks in child care settings and Identify SIDS-related resources. Learn about Tummy Time, handling a medical emergency SIDS - related resources, spread the Word - Ways you can share information on SIDS with parents and other caregivers.
NV CKA5.D Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning from Natural and Man-Made Events Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Emergency Preparedness.
Course Description: Learn the recommended childcare guidelines to emergency preparedness and response planning from natural disasters or man-made events. Every school Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) should include courses of action that will describe how students and staff can most effectively respond to an emergency situations to minimize the loss of life. Define mitigation as it relates to emergency management and teach children how to be resilient during emergency situations. Develop an emergency preparation checklist, prepare an emergency kit, and identify a response and recovery area for all children. $12.00Add to cart
NV CKA5.E Building and Physical Premises Safety including Storage of Bio-Contaminants and Hazardous Materials Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Building and Physical Premises Safety.
Course Description: Be ready to implement safety standards, guidelines, and practices regarding building and physical premises safety in the early childcare environment. The information includes environmental health, potentially hazardous environmental factors, including plants, insects and toxic fumes and safe appropriate procedures for ensuring age appropriate toys for children of various age groups and developmental levels. Storage of bio-contaminants and hazardous materials are also discussed. Note: Always follow the licensing regulations for your state as they may vary from state to state.
NV CKA5.F Fire Safety, Nutrition & Health Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed.
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $12.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/2 Clock Hour/0.2 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $12
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
Course Description: Prevention and planning is key to protecting children and yourself. Recognize fire safety rules, nutrition, and health rules, Implement clear communication skills, and organize an early childcare facility environment to minimize fire danger and promote healthy nutrition.
NV CKA5.H Transportation Safety in the Child Care Environment Course
Curriculum Designer/Instructor: Dr. Theresa Vadala, Ed
Language: English
Developmental Domain: ☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced $0.00Add to cart
Learning Methodology and Time: Online/Self-paced Training/1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU /Available 24/7
Course Fees: $5
Prerequisite/s: No prerequisites are required for the completion of this course.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Logistics/Required Technology: Stable Internet Access/Computer/Self-study Guide/PPT/PDF Access
This training can be taken to meet the initial training requirement for Transportation Safety.
Course Description: Transporting children in child care is a high-risk activity. Careful planning, proactive, and protective measures must be taken for Child care operators, staff, and parents when transporting children on field trips. Learn safe practices when transporting children and adhere to all National Transportation Board Guidelines. Careful planning reduces the risk of harm or injury to children and reduces liability for child care operators and their programs.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 6: Family & Community Relations
NV CKA6.A Building a Professional Learning Community Course
$12.00Add to cart
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
2 Clock Hours/0.2 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $12
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers, administrators and parents.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Create a professional learning community by recognizing appropriate learning community ideas, implementing clear communication between caregivers and parents, and organizing an early childcare facility environment to optimize productive spaces. Build relationships and allow for collaboration between teachers and parents. Learn how to work with the community and make strides to plan rigorous and appropriate lessons for students.
NV CKA6.B Parent Involvement: Positive Communication Course
$12.00Add to cart
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
2 Clock Hours/0.2 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $12
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers, administrators and parents.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Learn about best practices to incorporate positive communication with all parents. Recognize the benefits of parent involvement, identify parent dynamics and learn how to support each and every parent, and develop a parent involvement plan. Establish a parenting plan with evidence of involvement, parent activities, resources, and timeline.
NV CKA6.D Building Stronger Relationships: Parental Involvement & Family Engagement Course
$15.00Add to cart
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers, administrators and parents.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Learn the fundamental concepts and techniques on enhancing parental involvement within the school community. Identify methods and techniques to address the dynamics of parents and managing generational differences within the school community. Apply strategies to embrace all students, parents, and families from diverse backgrounds, and recognize features of effective communication to keep all parents engaged.
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 7: Leadership and Professional Development
NV CKA7.A School Readiness: The Transition to Kindergarten
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Learn what research says about school readiness and identify school readiness skills students before they transition to kindergarten. School readiness activities, aligned with kindergarten state standards, are provided to implement during daily teaching practices.
NV CKA7.B Why do I need to get my CDA?
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This course is an introduction to the Child Development Associate the (CDA) program geared for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: The CDA Credential is awarded to future educators who meet a minimum standard for framework and planning of children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth in the stages of child development. Upon earning the CDA credential, there is an opportunity for continued advancement in your early childhood career and a platform to gain professional recognition and development. The CDA Credential is awarded to future educators who meet a minimum standard for framework and planning of children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth in the stages of child development.
NV CKA7.D Professional Growth Plan: Elements, Goal and Purpose
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: The PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN course will empower you to take control of your own path toward instructional and professional growth. Embark on your own journey through self-determination.
NV CKA7.E Course Design: Below the Surface
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Design and develop effective curriculum using the ADDIE Model of Instruction Design. This study guide provides you with strategies to use when designing well-planned, well intended, and well-presented curriculum or training content for your courses.
NV CKA7.F The Fundamental Principles of Adult Learning
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Learn the fundamental principles of Adult Learning based on Knowles andragogy. Learn the key components to understanding adult learning and engaging adults in learning for effective transfer of learning. Implement inclusive learning, accommodate cultural differences, and engage parents through Adult Learning Theory. Recognize and implement learning styles and instructional strategies using multiple intelligences to create an effective learning environment for learners.
NV CKA7.G Staying on Target: Competency-based Objectives
Developmental Domain: $12.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
2 Clock Hours/0.2 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $12
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Stay on target with competency-based objectives that provide learners with a clear understanding of the goal and purpose of the training content presented. The objective template provides an easy-to-use guide to design objectives that align with core competencies. Core Competencies are a set of observable skills with Core Knowledge Areas that differ from state to state.
NV CKA7.H Early Childhood Educators: Code of Ethics
Developmental Domain: $12.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
2 Clock Hours/0.2 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $12
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Identify unethical practices in the learning environment, negative and positive values with staff in the workplace and analyze and address ethical issues by applying three (3) philosophical approaches in the adult learning environment: Awareness, Confidentiality, and Consistency.
NV CKA.I Multimodal Learning Environments: Engaging Learners
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Engage adult learners and children in multimodal learning environments through a combination of creative learning styles and multiple intelligences participatory methods.
NV CKA7.J Instructional Models & Learning: Right Brain and Left-Brain Strategies
Developmental Domain: $15.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Create dynamic and engaging learning strategies with the 4MAT Learning Model by providing adult learners with the process of experiencing, assimilating, acting upon and integrating knowledge to incorporate into daily teaching practices. The 4MAT model is a process for improving the quality of learning and incorporates learning styles for all individuals to understand.
NV CKA7.O Six Elements of Wellness: Living a Well-Balanced Life
Developmental Domain: $12.00Add to cart
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
2 Clock Hours/0.2 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $12
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide
Course Description: Keeping life well-balanced is an integration of occupational, intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. One way of keeping your life well balanced is to look at each state of well-being and determine how much time you spend nurturing each area. Setting goals and developing an action plan helps individuals be empowered to overcome obstacles to reach their full potential in life!
CLICK HERE - NV CKA 8: Management & Administration
NV CKA8.A Preparing for Accreditation Course
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hour/0.3 CEU
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15.00
Prerequisite/s: This course is for childcare providers who work with children in a child care setting.
Target Audience: This training course is for professionals who work within the early childhood community.
Course Description: Accreditation is a status and educational institution recognition process to determine whether your programs meet program standards and continuously seeks ways to enhance the quality of education and training provided. This training provides information on types and benefits of accreditation, developing a shared vision, identifying stakeholders, and developing corrective action plans. Portfolio and documentation, and conducting a mock visit are also discussed.
NV CKA8.C Vision to Action Plan: Supporting the School Improvement Plan
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
3 Clock Hours/0.3 CEUs
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $15
Prerequisite/s: This course is for professionals who work in a child care environment.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $15.00Add to cart
Course Description: Support the school or business improvement plan! Learn the fundamentals of creating an effective vision and mission statement in collaboration with all stakeholders. Develop goals and objectives as a team and create unity in the work environment as you work on a plan of action to meet set goals.
NV CKA8.D Personal Attributes: Understanding you own Values
Developmental Domain:
☐Beginning X Intermediate ☐Advanced
1 Clock Hour/0.1 CEU
Online/Self-paced Training
Course Fees $5
Prerequisite/s: This course is for professionals who work in a child care environment.
Target Audience: Child care providers and administrators.
Course Materials: Computer/Internet Access/Self-study Guide $5.00Add to cart
Course Description: Discover your personal attributes and traits! Understanding your personality type can help you to understand your preferences and the preferences of other people and how or why these might be different. Personality types are useful for recognizing how we lead, influence, communicate, collaborate, negotiate business and manage stress!